16th birthday surprise

she didn't see it coming. and once she knew something was up, she nearly refused to participate. which is funny, really, the irony. but she doesn't like trickery, or having zero advance notice. she prefers being prepared, and truly dislikes being center of attention. i know, i know.
finally convinced that it would be good, she allowed me and her brother to walk her from the car, eyes closed, to a little gathering of girlfriends where, "surprise!" from behind the menus in the back booths sprung up a 16th birthday celebration.

every one of them a dancer, we have known these girls for years, from homeschooling co-ops to scottish dance and livermore school of dance. a few were missing but they live in santa rosa and pennsylvania, and another had a previous commitment. each and every one is unique, talented, and lovely in her own way. 

happy early birthday sarah. i love you. and i know they do too.

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