reconnecting at pres*dio

real food, prepared on location (a pizza oven inside a truck?), on the green lawn of montgomery at the presidio on a foggy summer sunday in sf, with one of my dearest. tea service, china and silver because that's how we are, reconnecting in the space of our own day, followed up by a leisurely stroll through walt's museum. did i mention our tea, lamb curry and crab cake with gumbo on walt's porch? 
i love you, my friend b! 

deh beach

the annual trip, with the gang. last time before one goes off to college. bittersweet but this is the flux of life. i took none of these images, as i made the deliberate move to leave the weight of the camera behind in order to handle a ballet the following night. more on tendonitis later. i love seeing the evolution of photography come out of these young adults. one might be leaving, but the others are staying for now and that is where my happiness lies. 
photo credit: sarah h.

"the prophet" and his followers. what is he scheming?
 rolling down the hill? Yes, that would be my child

 senior portraits at the beach. iron man meets dr. who. :)
 b's protector
sarah mero's photos:

the following film photos: nico falabella

grad nite. and: the longest short road trip ever

we are missing some of our dearest friends in this shot, but we had not yet met up with them in downtown disney at the first night of grad nite...
 my girl used my camera all day so i have none of disneyland by day, but i did whip out the iPad for a few quickies of the Grad Nite attendees with whom we roomed for the night. 4 of the boys:
 the girls and me :) of the gems of disney's magic. tissues are a must for this show. be careful, peter!
 walt is everywhere, memorialized by mickey, even in the night sky. love.
 summer night in disneyland, near main street.
 trusty companions, who even offer an arm when needed. i must admit, so does his brother, which he also did on this trip.

 grad nite attendees...a quick shot before entry.
 carsland...optimal at night.

 one of several dance parties...
 the roller coaster, left, speeds off. view from the pier.
 world of color special grad nite show finale...
17 hours of walking and group coordinating. fun, and tiring. we left one night early, ready to rest and regroup, only to be met with my girl's flat tire at the bottom of the grapevine. (beware of potholes!) what do you do when you learn your daughter is sitting on the edge of the highway, and can't find her aaa card, and you're not driving with her? you don't panic. you just get there.
friends arrived, thanks to cell phones, and took matters into their own hands, since aaa would not be able to arrive before 9:45 pm. 

the compact spare was changed by brother #2, and the drive home became a "caravan of epicness" according to brother #1. a 6 hour drive turned in to 10. we caravanned at a constant speed and stopped every hour to check the tire and let it cool. i drove. daughter and girlfriend took my car. my copilots brother #2 and beloved son did their parts equally fielding cell calls and keeping me alert for the long drive home thanks to les mis and coldplay music. honestly, so glad to have friends willing and at-the - ready to help. arriving home at 2 a.m. is not fun. these friends made the trip positive and as close to fun as is humanly possible. so, so thankful!

i will leave this post with brother #1's sketches and journal entries from the night, where we are each memorialized :) a fitting way to memorialize heroic efforts, don't you think?