thankful for time with the family in fresno this christmas week. although we only get to be together a few times a year, i appreciate them more the older i become. a night of hilarity, goofiness, tremendous food, chocolate cake cocktails (who knew?), jamming and singing, gifts and a slow morning to follow coupled with the unspoken commitment of family through all of life's ups and downs makes me smile to think of it. i love you guys. - kerri

the kids say we played old music. classic rock is old?
a baby among us :)
you're not fooling anybody, mike
after herding: (sam, you're a champion)
see you next time.

press releases for ltm

the depth of friendship

friends support, guide, encourage, love unconditionally, all the parts of us we cannot fill on our own. sarah's post warms my heart.

for rebekah

rebekah, how about these square gallery wraps? <3, k



friends and neighbors

i am so lucky. my clients are not only customers, they are my friends. some even live in my neighborhood. the ramirez family hosts my son, shares cookies and homemade goodness, and lets us take their son on escapades as well. sessions are never supposed to go off without a hitch. life happens, and gives us things like drippy noses, forgotten items, time delays, two year olds with their own agendas, etc. who knew our time would also include a goose attack, which i am happy to report all survived unscathed. sorry to say i got no images of it as the shock of a giant bird attached to my son's pant leg temporarily paralyzed me. you'll have to ask him about it.

 their cd image:

cruz-davis proof

vivian, let me know if this looks correct. :) kerri
inside left:

inside right: