Staying with Miss Teapot means hospitality, care, attention, and always a venture into a new creative outlet. More on that tomorrow. Our visit also included down-time and attendance at the annual Scottish Ball.

Making ready.
A lone bagpiper begins the Grand March.
Strathspeys, reels, jigs. Bow and courtsey.  The participants dance until midnight, when we finally make our way home after a buffet of sandwiches and tea.
Summer's early morning light to capture part of Miss Teapot's latest collection, breakfast served, 
steamy fresh coffee, ruffled tutu tutorial (tuturial?)
and paper cranes.
There is just this to say:
And...I already miss you.

1 comment:

  1. my breath catches as i visit our time together via your magnificent photography. my eyes are smiling today and tuturial makes me laugh. oh my goodness....thank you for you!
