Pink tissue pompoms, bundtlette cakes, blue and pink, tea service, record player and party hats. Crafting and chatting and all things girlfriends. Happy day Miss Sarah. 

(Kelly's cake shop: in Dublin)

Saturday morning in the vineyards among the buds, blossoms and wildlife. Such a glorious treat and a delightful photo shoot to boot. Will post those tomorrow. 

Scottish Ball

Spring always means the annual Children's Ball hosted by the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society. Miss S. goes as one of the "older girls" now. It is always a lovely traditional environment, complete with accompaniment for those reels, jigs and strathespies. Tea follows. Such a treat, the entire event.

Giselle, Firebird, Masquerade Ball from Phantom, even Michael Jackson...

It's coming together beautifully. The amount of energy in these dancers and their director is amazing.  For those of you coming to the ballet company show on the 27th, you will be well pleased.

I wish that I could say *my* energy was as amazing.  The camera and lens I'd rented for this rehearsal were as easy to maneuver as a cast iron skillet-literally as heavy. Although the lens had fantastic reviews, its weight made it nearly unbearable after the 4th hour, even on a monopod. It is good to push oneself and one's equipment. Subsequently, I've ordered a new camera to add to my gear bag (an upgrade from my current one, not the one rented) and will stick with my current lenses for now. We work well together. :)

There are some people that bring to your life gifts never expected. If music and friendship are counted, these ladies have given more presents than I can adequately thank them for.