
they're here! after 39 weeks, 6 lb. austin and sophie have arrived. beautiful and strong like their mama, they are home, acquainting themselves with their new world and family. 
i did not go to make pictures. i went to help rebekah. here are the quickie shots i took. i'd had no sleep the night before, and spending my energy tending to babies left little of my creative abilities. nevertheless, day 5 has passed, so i am grateful for the images we did get. love you rebekah, and thankful for the support and care that surrounds you. hoping you're getting some sleep.


literally around the corner from the masses at santa cruz is a lovely little beach a fraction of the population as its more popular sister. our group met for a day and evening, and despite the summer heat that drove so many to this destination, we still ended up with a fire pit. the kids played and roamed the boardwalk, coming back to our camp of quiet and open space. a memorial of sorts was happening on the beach at sunset. the paper lanterns are beautiful to behold in their magical ways, but i want to know more about where they end up, how they disappear.
oh those boys...

 landscape photo credit below: nico falabella

video of the lanterns being released...